Watershed Management Plan
Planning is crucial in managing stormwater. As development occurs runoff increases and our streams are flooded, roads are overtopped, and low-lying areas are inundated, causing damage to both public and private properties. Creating and implementing a watershed plan can minimize the damaging effects of high runoff events.
The Southern Sarpy Watersheds Partnership (SSWP) was created in early 2016 to establish the framework for a stormwater management program and to develop a watershed master plan. The SSWP Watershed Management Plan was completed in 2024.
Knowing the risks and understanding the resources within the watershed are essential in making sound stormwater decisions in developing watersheds.
Initial stormwater policies were based on the Papillion Creek Watershed Partnership policies. After more specific analysis of the Southern Sarpy Watersheds, changes to some of the policies are being recommended by the Partnership.
- Reduce peak flow maintenance requirements to the 2-year and 10-year peak runoff events. No longer require maintenance of the 100-year peak runoff for each new development.
- A green space corridor along all streams equal to three times the channel depth plus 50 feet (3:1 plus 50 feet) on both sides of the channel is required. Within the green space corridor, the outer 30 feet of the corridor may be used for passive recreation features, such as trails.
- Grade control structures will be required on streams identified in the Watershed Management Plan. These structures are intended to prevent stream bed degradation in excess of four feet. The construction costs will be reimbursed by the Partnership.
Knowing the challenges that come with 404 Permits through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the Papio NRD has begun an effort to prepare a permitting template for five common grade control structures. This template will be reviewed by USACE to ensure that common issues are addressed and a clear process for permitting is understood by both the applicants and USACE. In addition to the permitting template, a full design guidance document will be available to make the design of grade control structures simple and consistent throughout the Watershed Management Area.
The Southern Sarpy Watershed Management Area (WMA) is the area where the Partnership collects watershed fees and the area where the Partner jurisdictions enforce the Stormwater Management Policies.
The Southern Sarpy Watershed Management Area encompasses 75.6 square miles that drain into the Platte River. This area includes the Buffalo Creek, Springfield Creek, Turkey Creek, and Zwiebel Creek Basins.